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Future feature: Sustainable Development Goals under GrowthPlan

A new big feature across the platform will be the new Sustainable Development Goals and Outcomes under your GrowthPlan. This feature will support the process of defining and tracking the SDGs.

With this new feature you’ll be able to:

  • Add new SMART SDGs.

  • Select the Subcategory/Target of your choice for each Goal.

  • Add the Outcomes achieved for your SDGs.

  • Download SDGs and Outcomes as part of the Full GrowthPlan Report PDF file.

  • Download a full analytics report of your Client’s or Network SDGs and outcomes.

Below, you can see the first mock-ups of how it will look like.

1. Create your S.M.A.R.T Sustainable Development Goals

Add all the information to make S.M.A.R.T. Goals, which are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, have someone Responsible, and have a Time horizon.

2. Select the Subcategory/Target for one of the 17 Goals

Each Goal has its Subcategories/Target, you can select from the dropdown which one you want to track.

3. Sustainable Development Goals list

Get an overview list with all your Sustainable Development Goals. Just like ambitions, you can assign a responsible person from this view and also select the status of it from the stoplights circles.

4. Download your Goals list as a PDF file

You can now download each Goal as a single PDF. You can also download all the SDG as a part of the GrowthPlan PDF report.

5. Keep track of your SDG Outcomes

Just like you keep define and track your Sustainable Development Goals, you can also keep track of the outcomes for each one of those.

6. Add Outcomes for all your SDGs

For each outcome of your SDGs, you can select the Subcategory/Target, a unit of measurement, add a specific amount for it, and add as well description and the time horizon.

7. Print the SDG Outcomes as part of your GrowthPlan PDF Report

As well as your Goals, you can also download all the Outcomes as a part of the GrowthPlan PDF report.

8. Download Analytics Report for your SDGs/Outcomes

As an advisor, you can compile a PDF report with analytics and upload it to any other CRM system you might be used for reporting.

If you are a center manager or network manager, you can see analytics for your entire organization or network. This is a fast way to get the big picture of how are you doing with the SDGs planned.

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