A 360º View on Advising Small Businesses

The GrowthWheel Framework

The GrowthWheel Framework is a simple checklist which helps small business advisors and their clients have conversations about growing a business.

The visual tool helps to quickly identify the most important Focus Areas and define decisions and actions the business should be working on. Advisors just have to add their own expertise.

For business advisors GrowthWheel becomes a language which supports a better dialogue with clients, helps avoid blind spots, and help advisors advice with confidence.

The GrowthWheel Framework gives a visual overview of how to grow a business by creating an attractive business concept, establishing a strong organization, build lasting customer relations and maintain profitable operations.

Ways to use the GrowthWheel Framework

GrowthWheel breaks down the 4 challenges into 20 Focus Areas. This gives a 360° view on business decisions and maps out what areas your client needs to focus on.


General company presentation (if you don’t already know GrowthWheel) – Informative PDF

360° Perspective Made Simple.
—Make a screening of your business.

GrowthWheel was designed around the observation that all businesses – in all industries and life stages – have four lasting challenges in common: They must create an attractive Business Concept, build a strong Organization behind it, develop lasting Client Relations, and do so while maintaining profitable Operations.

GrowthWheel breaks down the 4 challenges into 20 Focus Areas. This gives a 360° view on business decisions and maps out what areas your client needs to focus on.

The GrowthWheel framework is used to start structured conversations about a business, and helps the entrepreneur identify opportunities and challenges of the company. Avoid blind spots using the framework and identify the most important focus areas within your client’s business. Our wheel serves as the main checklist for what steps to take next.

Lasting Customer Relations
—Finding and keeping clients

Networking to meet the right people. Choosing the right way to do marketing and organizing an effective sales process. Getting in the media and on the customers' agenda through communication and PR. Living the values that shape the branding of the company.

Attractive Business Concept
—Meeting or creating demand

Getting the right business idea and designing the right product portfolio. Selling it to the right customer segments using the right revenue model and doing so while maintaining a strong market position.


Strong Organization
—Building teams and partnerships

Finding the right ownership and board, recruit and develop the right employees. Outsourcing tasks through partnerships with suppliers and contractors and mapping core business processes. Having the legal framework in place for working together.

Profitable operations
—Being productive. Making money

Making sure the right financial practices are in place and ensuring that there is enough funding for profitable investments to be made. Setting up the right production and delivery system to secure profitability, IT-systems to make operations profitable and facilities that makes the operations effective.