Keep track of your clients' progress with GrowthWheel Online analytics and reporting features. Your clients can always showcase their latest progress to investors, new partners, clients, or the bank. 

Ready to show. You can download all the analytics and reports as a visual PDF and upload it to any other CRM system you might be using for reporting.

  • Client portfolio analytics and reporting

  • Client impact analytics

  • Client financials and execution analytics

  • Client employee counts and charts

Client Portfolio Analytics and Reporting

Document your impact
Based on information in your clients' Business Profile, the advisor, manager, or network manager can view aggregated portfolio analytics with pie charts showcasing the distribution of every clients' life stage and overall business.

Client Impact Analytics

Track your actionable plans and their significant impact
Outcomes can be tracked as individual records (like Ambitions) and aggregated to show outcomes of your individual or total client base. Outcomes are tracked as either Results (quantitative) or Achievements (qualitative) in 20+ defined categories on a quarterly basis for you to showcase the results and achievements you've accomplished together. 

Client Financials and Execution Analytics

Keep track of the money
It's a serious job to keep track of money, so we made it easy for you. Just add the client company's financial information on the "Financials" page and get an instant overview of analytics from your clients' finances and growth. The data contains all the key profitability numbers such as revenue by quartersprofit charts, gross, operating, and net profits. With few clicks, your client companies are ready to showcase an extensive business profile to lenders, financial partners or investors.

You can also use the profit charts for reporting growth for your entire client portfolio.

Client Employee Counts and Charts

Make sure your clients are hiring the right person for the job
View charts and tables of how your clients are progressing quarter by quarter when e.g. hiring new employees. In this way you can give your client clarity on whether they hired the right person to the team.