GrowthWheel for Entrepreneurship Center Management
—Download your free toolstack 

Below you will find the 360° screening + the Decision Sheets from the advanced tool "GrowthWheel for Entrepreneurship Center Management".

Click on a single tool to view and download it as a writable PDF, or download the entire toolstack right-away. 


360° Screening 

The 360° Screening tool helps you get an overview of all the challenges that are – or may be – on the mind of the entrepreneur or business owner.

It's a scoreboard where you and your client can draw up a visual profile of how the business is doing and identify the future growth opportunities and obstacles.The result is a clear mind and full overview of what to focus on.


Business Concept

The tools in the yellow area, Business Concept, helps you make decisions about how to shape your program, the services you want to offer in your center, and the clients you would like to attract to the EC. 

Entrepreneurship Center Service Offerings  Decide which services to include in your program

Entrepreneurship Center
Service Offerings

Decide which services to include in your program

Entrepreneurship Center Service Offering Design  Describe the individual service offerings in your program

Entrepreneurship Center
Service Offering Design

Describe the individual service offerings in your program

Entrepreneurship Center Events Plan events for client companies

Entrepreneurship Center Events
Plan events for client companies

Entrepreneurship Center Educational Program  Decide the content of your training activities

Entrepreneurship Center
Educational Program

Decide the content of your training activities

Enrollment Criteria  Find criteria for evaluating and choosing company candidates

Enrollment Criteria

Find criteria for evaluating and choosing company candidates

Client Company Persona  Decide which clients to target by describing typical profiles

Client Company Persona

Decide which clients to target by describing typical profiles



The tools in the read area, Organization, focuses on the partners you want to involve in your entrepreneurship center. It helps you decide on the criteria to select partners and mentors for your program and in what projects to include them, and it helps you map out your stakeholders and decide how to connect with them.

Supplier Selection Find criteria for evaluating and choosing suppliers

Supplier Selection
Find criteria for evaluating and choosing suppliers

Stakeholder Engagement Decide how to interact with different stakeholders

Stakeholder Engagement
Decide how to interact with different stakeholders

Mentor Recruitment Select the best mentor profiles and plan how to engage them

Mentor Recruitment
Select the best mentor profiles and plan how to engage them

Mentor Profile Describe the ideal profile of the mentor you want to engage

Mentor Profile
Describe the ideal profile
of the mentor you want to engage

Collaborative Project Work Find projects and partners that create new value

Collaborative Project Work
Find projects and partners that create new value

Entrepreneurship Center Partners Select the partners that are useful to your clients

Entrepreneurship Center Partners
Select the partners that are useful to your clients



The tools in the blue area, Operations, helps you monitor activities, results, and your clients’ success in your EC. It also focuses on the budgetting of the business and how to design your facilities to accommodate both you and your clients’ needs.

Entrepreneurship Center Reporting Make a reporting system to monitor activities and results in your center

Entrepreneurship Center Reporting
Make a reporting system to monitor activities and results in your center

Client Performance Metrics Decide how to measure your clients’ success

Client Performance Metrics
Decide how to measure your clients’ success

Sales Budget Budget your revenue per customer and per product

Sales Budget
Budget your revenue per customer and per product

Cost Budget Calculate costs and reduce expenses

Cost Budget
Calculate costs and reduce expenses

Entrepreneurship Center Space Monetization Decide how to make income on your facilities

Entrepreneurship Center Space Monetization
Decide how to make income on your facilities

Facility Design Decide how to design your company facilities

Facility Design
Decide how to design your company facilities


Customer Relations

The tools in the green area, Customer Relations, helps you map out the entire network around your center, such as partners, government, other ECs, universities, private contacts, etc. It also focuses on your media presence and finally on planning activities in your center throughout the year.

Networking Activities Plan participation in networking opportunities

Networking Activities
Plan participation in networking opportunities

Entrepreneurship Center Network Mapping Map current personal and professional network

Entrepreneurship Center Network Mapping
Map current personal and professional network

Media Opportunities Select the right media and decide key messages to send out

Media Opportunities
Select the right media and decide key messages to send out

Social Media Consider your presence on social media

Social Media
Consider your presence on social media

Program Calendar Map out the yearly program schedule for your entrepreneurship center

Program Calendar
Map out the yearly program schedule for your entrepreneurship center