GrowthWheel for Incubators
GrowthWheel Online is a platform for both the incubator advisor as well as the incubatee.
For the advisor, it's a platform to share both GrowthWheel and personal tools, to manage their client relationship, overall productivity, and to produce analytics and reports to stakeholders showing outcomes and impact.
For the incubatees, it's an online platform which helps them get a 360° perspective on their business to make decisions and take action in collaboration with their incubator advisor.
GrowthWheel offers some tools and technologies, which can be particularly helpful in this situation:
1. The GrowthWheel Business Tools (with more than 100 one-page tools) allows you to quickly share tools with clients every week so clients can work on their business themselves and prepare for meetings with you.
2. The GrowthWheel Online platform allows you to give your clients a forever-free account to create a simple business profile, a Growth Plan, Financial overviews and Budgets, and see videos about it.
3. The GrowthWheel Continued Education (CE) program allows you to attend monthly training workshops to help you become the best business advisor you can be, and all workshops are included in your license.
Talk to another Certified Incubator manager before you sign up
Schedule a conversation with Elizabeth Binning, Head of Training and Learning with GrowthWheel international.
You can also talk to other GrowthWheel Certified Incubator Advisors.
Sponsor of InBIA since 2010
GrowthWheel is a proud sponsor of InBIA since 2010, where GrowthWheel had its official launch in the United States at the annual conference in Orlando.
Get 21 free Decision Sheets to help you make the right decisions for your incubator.
Sign up to get a free copy of "GrowthWheel for Entrepreneurship Center Management" with a 30 min. introduction (webinar)
Entrepreneurship Center Program Design
Decide which elements to include in your incubation program.
Entrepreneurship Center Network Mapping
Map current personal and professional network.
Client Performance Metrics
Decide how to measure your clients' success.
GrowthWheel Certified Incubators
Incubators in the United States, Canada, South Africa, and Norway use GrowthWheel to build high-impact entrepreneurial ecosystems in every type of community or industry around the world.
Testimonials from GrowthWheel Certified Incubators
—What do your colleagues think about GrowthWheel?