National Implementation — GrowthWheel

How is GrowthWheel used nation-wide in Denmark?

In Denmark, GrowthWheel has been implemented nationwide and is used by 350+ business advisors in over 95% of cities that are offering publicly funded entrepreneurial assistance. The license agreement was entered in 2008 with the Danish Business Authority under the Ministry of Economics and Growth and has now been extended to 2023.

The Danish business support system is a two tier system. The 5 larger regions of Denmark are running a "Growth House” (“Væksthus") in each region, which is focused on assistance for high-growth potential companies. The majority of the around 100 municipalities are offering services to entrepreneurs through either chambers of commerce or small business assistance programs with local business advisors.

Other than in the business advisory system GrowthWheel is also used by entrepreneurship professors at Danish colleges and universities, by incubators and other types of organizations working in the field of entrepreneurship.

Because GrowthWheel has become the national standard, most new employees who are hired to work in the two tear business support system are receiving GrowthWheel Certification at one the 3-4 annual certification courses held in Denmark every year.

To support the regional coordination and the continuous development of GrowthWheel to the changing needs of the business advisors, the Danish Business Authority and GrowthWheel have setup a Product Advisory Board with representatives from each region in the country. The GrowthWheel Product Advisor Board have had quarterly meetings since the inception in 2008 and continues to initiate projects to further innovate the GrowthWheel Toolbox and Online Platform.