GrowthWheel Advanced Tool:

GrowthWheel for Entrepreneurship Center Management:
Run your center like a business

Get 33 free Decision Sheets to help you make the right decisions for your entrepreneurship center program. 

As an entrepreneurship center manager you are always looking for the best solutions for your clients and are helping them make the best decisions about how to run their business. Your clients are facing decisions about their products and services, how to build customer relations, who to partner with, how much to invest, etc. But so are you.

An Entrepreneurship Center  is also a business and whether you are starting a new center or have been running it for several years, you are facing many of the same decisions as your client companies.

GrowthWheel for Entrepreneurship Centers is a tool designed especially for and with entrepreneurship center managers to help you make decisions and take actions in your center. The tool has been created with outset in the GrowthWheel framework and together with experienced center managers who are also GrowthWheel Certified Advisors.


Examples oF decision sheets:

Enrollment criteria

Enrollment Criteria

Job to be done:
Decide which criteria should be used to select clients for the center.

How the Decision Sheet helps:
By setting the criteria for evaluating and choosing company candidates it will be easier to decide who should be enrolled. 


 Mentor Recruitment

Job to be done:
Select the best mentor profiles and plan  how to engage them.

How the Decision Sheet helps:
By considering in advance which profiles  we need, how many, and when, and what  we need to get them started, we are  prepared when we start looking for and  get in touch with specific mentor  candidates. 

Entrepreneurship center network mapping

Entrepreneurship Center Network Mapping

Job to be done:
Map current personal and professional  network.

How the Decision Sheet helps:
By getting an overview of our existing   network, we can start creating paths to   expand our network and find the   resources we need. 

Client performance metrics

 Client Performance Metrics

Job to be done:
Decide how to measure your clients'  success. 

How the Decision Sheet helps:
By measuring our clients' performance,  we can more easily come up with new  ways of how to create and increase their  success. 

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