Your clients experience a better service as they leave each meeting with a 360° view on focus areas, an action plan, and the tools to do it.

Set SMART Ambitions
List your client's ambitions and mark with a traffic light indicator if they are on track, in progress, or a challenge. Add all the information to make Ambitions S.M.A.R.T. Goals, which are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, have someone Responsible, and have a Time horizon.

Select Top Focus Areas

Our 360° Screening tool can help you focus on the right topics in three different ways, which support the way an entrepreneur is thinking. Do a 360° screening of your client company's progress, opportunities, or skills and save it in the cloud, or invite clients to do a screening themselves.

Add them to a 30-60-90 Day Plan

List, prioritize, and keep track of all actions and decisions you and your client have agreed to work on. On GrowthWheel Online each client will have their own 30-60-90 Day Plan. This Day Plan is also saved in the cloud and can be edited by both you and the client company.

Track your outcomes

Keep track of quantitative results and qualitative achievements you and your client have created together. When ambitions are turning into outcomes you can keep track of them, quarter by quarter to see for yourself —and show your client —all the results and achievements you have created together.