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GrowthWheel for Workshop Programs

Reduce time, mitigate challenges, and run your advisory programs with ease.

The face of today’s training has changed. Many are still uncomfortable meeting in person and using various online platforms has allowed participants to join from the comfort of their homes.

In this workshop, you will learn how to plan, organize and facilitate online virtual workshops or training programs for clients.

We will discuss the basics including the purpose of the training, how to create great content, thinking through the technical aspects, the details of getting materials to participants, receiving payments, allowing clients to access the platforms, and finally how to promote your training programs to the best-targeted audiences.

- Attendees will be able to identify the 4 P’s of doing workshops (Production, Platform, Paperwork, and Promotion)
- Attendees will be able to identify the purpose of their training programs, which informs other decisions
- Attendees will receive a list of decisions and actions facing them to create 5-star virtual workshops
- Attendees will receive a free toolstack with tools to help guide decisions and actions in planning virtual workshops

OnTrack Webinar Content

Closing Up
Final Comments
Things to Look for from GrowthWheel in the Future

User Comments
Comments and Questions from Users
Help the client create an action plan

Workshop Challenges
How to Overcome Challenges
How to Reduce the Chance of Challenges

Promotional Materials
Workshop Schedule
Revenue Chart
Slide Deck
Promotional Pieces
Customizing Materials

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