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GrowthWheel 360° Screening Best Practices

Find out how you can best use 360° Screenings to assess your clients’ businesses

This OnTrack webinar takes an in-depth look at the 360° Screening tool, the first step to assess the client’s business: How you or your client can create new screenings, how you can share the screenings, and how you can add decisions, actions or notes.

With the 360° Screening you can define the scoop of work with ease. After 10 minutes of conversation with your client, you'll be able to select Focus Areas for them to work on, clarify alternative options, and define the necessary decisions and actions for your clients to take. 

You can manage the screenings on GrowthWheel Online and download an overview as PDF, which shows s a summary of your client’s focus areas and notes for documentation.

To track progress, you can check the score of each screening on GrowthWheel Online and receive notification about new and updated screenings. As an advisor, you are able to request screenings from your client and add personal messages to the request.

OnTrack Webinar Content

Connecting the dots

Problem solving and providing tools Decision sheets

Special Circumstances
More ways to use the screening

Closing Up
Closing comments
Burning questions

User Comments

Program for this OnTrack Webinar

Getting Focus
Five choices to make:

  1. Who should make the screening?

  2. What type of screening to make?

  3. How many focus areas at a time

  4. When to do the right screening?

  5. How often to do the screening?

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