2024 in Review: The Newest Features on GrowthWheel Online

2024 was yet another year with monthly software updates — as always based on requests from the community of GrowthWheel Certified Business Advisors.

In 2024 we released new features and services in addition to various backend features in the software. Check them out below or see them in action on GrowthWheel Online.

Release overview

New Growth Journeys: Digital Transformation & Profitability

We curated this package of Decision Sheets to help clients that are thinking about having a digital transformation on their business.

Change the Primary Advisor for clients

From time to time, clients move from one advisor to another, and you want to keep track of this on GrowthWheel Online.

Now, you can change the Primary Advisor for each client with a click.

Existing clients are recognized on Intake Forms

Avoiding duplicate clients in your CRM system has never been easier.

Clients often fill out multiple forms when requesting counseling or signing up for training sessions, leading to duplicate entries in the system.

New Training Intake Form for SBA Advisors

If you are a WBC or a SBDC reporting to the SBA, with the new training intake forms, you can now effortlessly collect client information when they register for a training session without double entry for counseling clients too.

New Service Menu with Programs Tracking + longer notes

Tracking time and client’s enrolled in a program is now available.

You can now easily track one or multiple programs that clients are enrolled in, plus track individual session time for each program on GrowthWheel CRM.

5 New OnDemand Training for Entrepreneurs in SPANISH

We’re thrilled to announce that the first five GrowthWheel OnDemand workshops are now available in Spanish.

This is an ongoing project to get all our OnDemand trainings for Entrepreneurs translated into multiple languages, starting with Spanish.

New Decision Sheets and Frameworks added to GrowthWheel Online

At GrowthWheel, we are constantly enhancing and expanding our training and tool offerings for our certified business advisors. This year, we’ve developed new workshops and tools to provide even greater support.

That's all for 2024! We will continue in 2025 with more updates from our community to help you be the best business advisors you can be.