New: OnDemand Training for Entrepreneurs in SPANISH

We’re thrilled to announce that the first GrowthWheel OnDemand workshops are now available in Spanish.

This is an exciting step in our mission to make entrepreneurial tools and training accessible to Spanish-speaking advisors and entrepreneurs worldwide.

These workshops cover the basics of any business and are designed to empower entrepreneurs using decision-making tools that comes with each workshop.

The first five (5) modules translated are:

  • Trabaja en tu red y haz que funcione para ti (Networking)

  • Envía tu mensaje de marketing a los clientes correctos (Marketing)

  • Toma el control de tu proceso de ventas (Sales & Service)

  • Utiliza los medios de comunicación para llamar la atención sobre su negocio (Communication & PR)

  • Crea una marca fuerte y auténtica para su negocio (Branding)

We’re actively working on translating more workshops to expand this offering and are happy to integrate these into your organization’s e-learning platform upon request.

Reach out to us to learn more about this exciting project, or request your own LMS filling out this form*.

*For GrowthWheel Certified Advisors and partners only.