As an improvement to our GrowthPlan feature on GrowthWheel Online we will add the option to convert your ambitions to outcomes with just one click!
This new improvement will help you quickly and easily convert your ambitions, from your ambitions list page, to an outcome after being completed.
Below, you can see the first mock-ups of how it will look like.
1. Choose from the 3 dot menu on your ambition list the option “Convert to Outcome”
On you Ambitions list page you will need to click the 3 dot menu to see more options. Here, you’ll find “Convert to Outcome” option, by clicking this, you will convert this ambition to an outcome.
2. Your Ambition will be automatically converted into an Outcome
Once you select the option on the ambitions page, to convert an ambition to an outcome, it will automatically convert it into an outcome. Next, you will see the outcome dialog to finish adding information about it.
Notice it indicates you this was an outcome created from an ambition, and it adds the name of the ambition.
Please share your comment below, and take part in the development of the upcoming page.